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Wii bowling.png
Game: Wii Sports
Aim of game: Get a good score
Number of players: 1-4
Maximum score/hardest opponent(s): 300
Highest possible skill level: 2213
Bowling gameplay

Bowling is a sport in Wii Sports. It can have 1 to 4 players and the aim of the game is to get the best score the player can.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

The game has 12 rounds, thus the maximum score being 300. The player can move left or right using the D-pad, or press A and then change the angle of the Mii. After each throw there is a replay. If a player gets a strike or a split-frame spare, a longer replay is shown. When a player becomes a pro, their bowling ball gains a decoration of stars. The highest possible skill level is 2213, the least for any sport.

Secrets[edit | edit source]

When starting a game of bowling, hold a button on the D-pad to change the colour of the bowling ball. Left is red, down is green and right is gold.

Wii Sports
Wii Sports Resort
Air SportsArcheryBasketballBowlingCanoeingCyclingFrisbeeGolfPower CruisingSwordplayTable TennisWakeboarding