Golf (Wii Sports)

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Wii golf.png
Game: Wii Sports
Aim of game: Get a good score
Number of players: 1-4
Highest possible skill level: Over 2800
Golf gameplay

Golf is a sport in Wii Sports. It can have 1 to 4 players and the aim of the game is to defeat your opponents.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

There are nine holes to play, beginner, intermediate and expert. There is also one nine-hole game combining the three. When players are hitting the ball, they can use one of four clubs: Putter, Wedge, Iron or Driver. To the left of the player is a power meter with four sections. When the player swings a blue bar goes up depending on how hard their swing was. If they swing too hard the bar becomes red and will swing left or right. They can practice by swinging the Wii remote, then hold down A to hit the ball.